The SCG Foundation has recently launched a collaboration with Channel One31 to produce a new game show, “Talent Vs. Talent: Building Dreams and Crafting Careers,” which will be broadcasted every Saturday in the month of April. The game show promises to invite members of the youth to discover new interests and hobbies, as well as possible career opportunities in the modern world. An initiative under the Foundation’s “Learn to Earn” mindset, the show provides a platform for contestants to compete based on their knowledge and skills, where winners will earn scholarships of 50,000 baht to further their career development.
Ms. Suvimol Chivaluk, Director and Manager of the SCG Foundation, revealed that after the previous “Young Survivors” program—which served as the first edition of the “Learn to Earn” Mindset—received positive feedback from members of the youth, it was time to launch a new initiative with the same mindset in 2023. She added that “Learn to Earn” will continue its path of providing young, bright, and talented Thai youth with opportunities to showcase their skills. This year, the Foundation has joined hands with channel One31 to create an exciting game show, where young contestants are encouraged to use both their theoretical and applied knowledge to compete for scholarships that will help them further their education and careers. “Talent Vs. Talent: Building Dreams and Crafting Careers,” aims to ignite a flame of motivation for Thailand’s youth to discover their interests and talents, and to never stop learning and developing their skills and abilities, which will prepare them for the world’s challenges and opportunities in the future.
“This year, the SCG Foundation has shifted its implementation to a game show format, and has placed talented members of the youth at the forefront of the program. The show encourages young individuals who have dreams of developing career paths such as tourism, electronics, or influencing, to name a few examples, to use their learned and applied knowledge to compete by fulfilling different missions within the show. Winners will receive 50,000 baht for furthering their studies in career development in their path of choice. The game show is guaranteed to be engaging and informative for members of all generations,” Ms. Suvimol added.
“Talent Vs. Talent: Building Dreams and Crafting Careers,” is a game show that serves as a platform for young contestants to compete based on their knowledge and skills, by applying their theoretical and applied knowledge to specific missions that they must complete on the show. The show will be moderated by talented actor and presenter Chainon “Off” Hankeereerat, and is set to air throughout the month of April. There will be four episodes in total, airing from April 1st to April 28th, at 4:00 PM, only on channel One31.
To stay posted on the SCG Foundation’s news and updates, please visit www.scgfoundation.org and the LEARNtoEARN official Facebook page.