Because of the fast-changing world, “SCG Foundation” continues supporting the learning concept “Learn to Earn, Learn to Survive.” This learning concept aims to build a brighter future for Thai youth by granting vocational certificate scholarships, high vocational certificate scholarships, and short course scholarships, namely Public Health and Medicine, S-curve industry, new S-curve industry, Information Technology (IT), and other general vocational courses. In 2022, SCG Foundation will grant 245 scholarships for the development of children and youth all over Thailand.
SCG Foundation has provided a total of 1,700 scholarships worth more than 40 million Baht under the concept “Learn to Earn” Comprising Public Health and Medicine, S-curve industry, new S-curve industry, Information Technology (IT), Tourism and Hotel Management, Vocational Education, and professional short courses. Moreover, SCG Foundation provides more scholarships in different fields this year under the concept “Learn to Earn, Learn to Survive” to thrive in the modern world. A total of 245 scholarships are divided into 3 categories, namely 150 Skilled Professional for the Future Scholarship with as well as 45 scholarships of Bachelor’s degree in E-Sport , which are open for application through educational institutions.
Furthermore, ‘Solar Cell installation and maintenance technician’ is the latest scholarship in the ‘professional short courses’ category. SCG Foundation provides 45 scholarships to study and practice technical skills to ensure safety and become qualified technicians. This course will be taught by highly skilled national experts. The course takes only 3 days for learners to have sufficient skills to make a career and eventually earn money supporting themselves and their families.
The mission of scholarship under the concept ‘Learn to Earn’ will support the development of the youth’s skills in response to the fast-changing modern world by enhancing Hard skills and Soft skills or ‘Power skills,’ that are essential for Generation Z in living and working in this era and the future.
For more details on each scholarship, please visit www.scgfoundation.org and Facebook LEARNtoEARNbySCGFoundation.
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