SCG Foundation truly that a healthy society is made of talented and moral people.

Fund Establishment for the Benefit of Society
On the occasion of The Siam Cement Company Limited marking 50 years of operation and The Siam Fibre-Cement Company Limited marking 25 years of operation, to celebrate the milestone, The Siam Cement Company Limited established a fund for the benefit of the society. The initial capital was 75,000 Baht, and our partner, FLSmidth & Co. of Denmark, donated another 25,000 Danish kroner or approximately 75,000 Baht (based on the exchange rate at the time). In the beginning, the corporate social responsibility activities were not widely extensive. Hence, the yield from the initial capital was slim and not sufficient to carry out activities continuously.

Registered as Foundation
The fund was granted permission to register as a foundation.

SCG Foundation Launched the Sharing the Dream Project
SCG Foundation launched the Sharing the Dream project to provide annual scholarships to underpriviledge students with good conduct and a strong determination to pursue higher education. The scholarships were gradually expanded to cover all levels of education, targeting children and youth, particularly those in remote and underprivileged areas across the country.

SCG Foundation has been declared a public charity organization.
In 1992, SCG Foundation was declared a public charity organization under the Notification of the Ministry of Finance on Income Tax and Value Added Tax. SCG donated funds and shares to the foundation, allowing the foundation to use the interest earned for public benefit activities.
In years when the foundation received lower dividend income, SCG would allocate a portion of its budget to ensure the smooth and continuous execution of the foundation’s activities. Providing assistance and being socially responsible is our unwavering mission.
From 1992 to 2023, the foundation launched various projects aimed at developing the potential of children and youth, promoting volunteerism, and building strong, sustainable communities. These initiatives included:
- Young Thai Artist Award
- Early Child Development Project
- Sharing Opportunities, Drawing Futures
- Tales in the garden
- Career Fund
- Art Camp
- Volunteer Camp
- Youth Good Deeds
- Young community developer

SCG Foundation began to
grant skilled professional scholarships.
These scholarships, launched under the Vocational Skills for Nation Builders program, supported students pursuing careers in industrial technology field. By 2015, the Foundation expanded the scholarships to include service-related fields. Currently, there are around 1,200 scholarship recipients in this program.

SCG Foundation provided innovative solutions to reduce infection risks for medical personnel.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation offered urgent assistance starting in January 2020, supporting healthcare workers, children, youth, and those underpriviledged groups affected by the crisis.

SCG Foundation expanded its “Learn to Earn: Learning to Survive”,
A concept encouraging lifelong learning for survival and success in a rapidly changing world. This program aims to equip youth with both professional skills (hard skills) and life skills (soft skills) to ensure their sustainable well-being and happiness.

SCG Foundation won the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards 2023
SCG Foundation’s outstanding work in investing in people through the “Learn to Earn” program earned the prestigious award. This recognition, awarded by Enterprise Asia, honors organizations in 19 countries for their leadership in corporate social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and sustainable development.

The Foundation’s unwavering principle is to “Believe in the Value of the Individual.”
SCG Foundation continues its unwavering belief in the “value of people.” We dedicated to children and youth, who are seen as the nation’s most valuable resource. By developing capable, knowledgeable, and virtuous individuals, the Foundation aims to equip them to adapt to change, become self-reliant, and contribute constructively to society.
SCG Foundation believes that a healthy society is made of talented and moral people.
Hence, our goal is to enhance individual’s potential with an emphasis on today’s young people who are becoming the country’s future driving forces on top of cultivating socially responsible conduct to inspire constructive development for the society and drive the country toward sustainability.