SCG Foundation Hands out Awards to Winners of “ Thai Kids Fight COVID ” Painting Competition

Professor Emeritus Dr. Kasem Wattanachai, Privy Councilor as Chairman of Foundation for Good Governance on Medicine, presided over an award ceremony of “Thai Kids Fight COVID” Painting Competition for winners of two categories: students in primary 1-3 and primary 4-6. The awards were presented to winners by the SCG Foundation’s board of directors, led by the Foundation president Roongrote Rangsiyopash and members of Foundation for Good Governance on Medicine at the award ceremony held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The awards were given to the following prizes: grand prize, distinguished prize, honorable mention, People’s Choice, and Doctor’s Choice.

The painting competition “Thai Kids Fight COVID” is a collaborative project between SCG Foundation, Foundation for Good Governance on Medicine, and the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC). The project aims to encourage students to practice self-care and protection at schools amid the COVID-19 pandemic and promote good hygiene practices among children such as wearing a face mask, maintaining physical distancing, hand washing, etc. The competition is split into two categories: primary 1-3 and primary 4-6.

The Round Judging Session of “Thai Kids Fight COVID” Painting Competition

Names of Final Round Judges

Chairman of the Final Round Judges
Clinical Professor Emeritus Udom Kachintorn, Advisor to Foundation for Good Governance on Medicine

The Panel of the Final Round Judges

1. Kru Sangkom Thongmee Director of Princess Sirindhorn Arts Center

2. Associate Professor Tinnakorn Kasornsuwan Associate Dean for Administration, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University

3. Assistant Professor Apichart  Pholprasert, Ph.D. Head of Division of Art Education Faculty of Education,    Chulalongkorn University

4. Air Vice-Marshal Ittaporn Kanacharoen, MD  Secretary-General of Foundation for Good Governance on Medicine

5. Ms.Jitra Sasnas  Educator, Senior Professional Level, Bureau of Academic Affairs and Educational Standards, OBEC

The Panel of the Preliminary Round Judges

1. Kru Sangkom Thongmee Director of Princess Sirindhorn Arts Center

2. Mr.Theekawut Boonvijitara Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts Silpakorn University 

3. Ms.Lampu Kansanoh Painting artist

4. Air Vice-Marshal Ittaporn Kanacharoen, MD  Secretary-General of Foundation for Good Governance on Medicine

5. Ms.Suvimol Chivaluk Director and Manager of SCG Foundation

Announcement of award winners of Children’s Painting Competition “Thai Kids Fight COVID”

Here is a full list of award winners of Children’s Painting Competition “Thai Kids Fight COVID” for primary 1-3 and primary 4-6.

Painting Competition for primary 1-3

Painting Competition for primary 4-6

The names of final round judges of this Painting Competition

SCG Foundation Supports Scholars in Drill Camp for WorldSkills ASEAN Competition in Restaurant Service Skill

Ms. Suvimol Chivaluk, Director and Manager of SCG Foundation, with Mr. Anuwat Jongyindee, Advisor to the Board of Directors, and Ms. Wannee Komolkawin, Director of Office of Skill Standard and Test Development, Department of Skill Development, Ministry of Labor paid a visit to the scholars of SCG Foundation who would be best selected to be Thailand’s representatives for WorldSkills ASEAN Singapore 2020 in Restaurant Service skill and have spent time practicing in the camp in Phetchaburi Information Technology Campus, Silpakorn University. They also encourage these young professionals for the competition.

They all have very strong determination and put all their effort in practicing and devoted the best of their ability to bring back praise and recognition to Thailand.

SCG Foundation Presents Short Film “Hope Letter” to Thai People to Boost Everyone’s Self-Worth and Superpower

SCG Foundation aims to encourage a sense of self-worth via a short film titled “Hope Letter,” portraying real-life stories of 4 individuals to reflect their thoughts and ability to adapt to or cope with the situation while facing the COVID-19 crisis. The short film aims to evoke inspirations and awaken the power within the individuals and hope for all Thais to overcome the COVID-19 crisis together.

Ms. Suvimol Chivaluk, Director and Manager of SCG Foundation, saidthat in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SCG Foundation has offered emergency relief since January 2020 to a broad range of people from medical professionals, young people, the poor to the underprivileged people in the form of medical innovations, necessary hygiene supplies, and materials for consumption. However, a large number of people are still significantly impacted by the COVID-19 and are facing a variety of adversities from job losses, pay cuts, business closings, or losing everything one has built. These hardships have dragged down people’s self-worth, hope, and optimism, some of which took their lives to end this suffering.

“As a charitable organization that focuses on empowering “people” and commitment to belief in the value of the “individual,” SCG Foundation emphasizes “adaptability” which it believes a superpower resides within everyone in a short film “Hope Letter,” portraying the real-life stories of four individuals: a beauty blogger, a bar owner, a washing machine repairman, and a restaurant chef. The film tells the story of ordinary people who have extraordinary ways of thinking. Each one manages to adapt to and deal with COVID-19 in their different ways and overcome their difficulties. The Foundation hopes that these real-life stories will be an inspiration and boost confidence and self-worth in people, like what the film says, “If you are still breathing, you will get through it all..”

You can watch the short film “Hope Letter” by SCG Foundation starting from today on “scgfoundation” YouTube channel and SCG Foundation Facebook Page. 

#LetterfromToes #BeliefInValueofIndividual #SCGFoundation

Finalists Announced for “Thai Kids Fight COVID” Painting Competition, Public Voting Opens for People’s Choice Award on SCG Foundation Facebook Page

SCG Foundation is pleased to announce the shortlisted finalists of “Thai Kids Fight COVID” Painting Competition for primary 1-3 and primary 4-6.

Painting Competition for primary 1-3
Painting Competition for primary 4-6

Check out all finalists’ artworks and vote on a favorite for the People’s Choice Award on SCG Foundation Facebook page from 6-18 September 2020. htts://